Hinder - Without You

Without you .. I live a little more everyday...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

hmm Cally asked me this question...

so whats silly stupid n blur?

we were having some random discussion then she asked me this...

people might think is a stupid question... haha

but i find it interesting....

According to dictionary.com

1.lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.

1.weak-minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish: a silly writer.
2.absurd; ridiculous; irrational: a silly idea.

Blur..(SG term)U all should know..
Dictonary term...
3.to dim the perception or susceptibility of; make dull or insensible: The blow on the head blurred his senses.

all the meaning were chosen to show how i felt wat tis words meant...

but for me the true meaning is more than just this... i will need to ponder on this more.. haha
thanx cally give me something to think about...

will update this soon

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