Hinder - Without You

Without you .. I live a little more everyday...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Intersting Conversations....

haha it started out like this...

Lo Zhi Zhan I took 4 years to realise the other side of someone.


Sunny Neo
other side? I thought you only realised he has no balls?
Lo Zhi Zhan
He got no balls! Obviously. And he's from NUS! NUS UNIVERSITY SCHOLAR PROGRAMME SCHOLAR some more.

See the quality of our scholars!

Eh, should i post the hot conversation online?
Rico Kaibin Lim
eh dun stereotype can ?
Lo Zhi Zhan
Sorry if i offended you, but i am not referring to you.

Rico Kaibin Lim
haha joking la.. im not from NUS oso... LOLX
Rico Kaibin Lim
anyway scholars dun make better "humans" they are juz better at maybe studying ?
Lo Zhi Zhan
Hahaha. I just feel that as scholars, there should be good moral conduct. And as a scholar myself, i demand that of myself.
Rico Kaibin Lim
I dunnoe before i was a "scholar" i already had the same moral values i have now... moral values shouldn't change no matter wat label u carry. I feel...

I mean lets say one day if everything falls apart does ur moral values change as well?

I only feel that these labels makes ppl more obligated to certain decisions...
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Like a policeman is less likely to do something against the law as u might think? but that's is not necessary true
Lo Zhi Zhan
True. But then, as a policeman, you will be more likely to scrutinize your own actions, so that you will be a good example.

Of course, we always have to bring our moral values wherever we go, just tt when u represent something greater, i feel there is a need to be more careful than usual =)
Rico Kaibin Lim
My apologies before you read this... all this are typed as a form of discussion nothing personal... im looking to find out the answers for myself as well..

I think I might have discussed this issue in one of my classes in school...

The example was we have laws and rules in our world "guide" us.
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Usually laws and rules go with our "moral" values right?

but when u remove laws and rules high chance this world might go abit chaotic...

Because we removed the consequences of our actions we act differently.... the 2 sides of the arguments are for me

1. Ppl think less about consequences as there are fewer.

2.Ppl "original" mind was naturally "evil"

Just like ur point because we are representing something greater we have more consequences for our actions.

My question is does these extra consequences makes us have better moral values ?

Wouldn't you be a better "human" if you had the same moral values as a person who as more "consequences" than you?
Rico Kaibin Lim
As for the police man part ... just like teachers i think the ideal teacher is to "teach" but i think many of todays teachers are there just because its good $...

just like the policeman could just be there for a job... or even national service.... i think ppl with certain moral standards will then scrutinize their own actions.
Lo Zhi Zhan
Hm, just off hand, i feel that people are originally self-centered.

I once heard this saying. There is only one crime in this world, and that is to steal. All crimes revolves around stealing. Like murder is to steal someone's right to live. And so on.

True, law and order make people think about and bear the true consequences of their actions.
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Hm, i just feel that the mentioned consequences might make us review ourselves. Whether we make ourselves better or remain the same at the end of the day is what we make out of ourselves.

At the end of the day, humans are constantly being shaped. We are put in our consequences, and i believe that as part of life, this is an environment where we will grow.

Sunny Neo
I think scholar or not. It's hard to assess a person real characters and values.

To be a scholar, you "just" have to score As, have good CCA positions/records and able to wayang through interviews (which can be prepared)

As long as the scholar uphold a good image or appear morally upright in front of the public, people can't really fault him/her for anything.
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Don't talk about scholars, just look at politicians and leaders in certain countries, you get my drift :)

Of course, ZZ is just so pissed at the person that he's just ranting. hahaha. I always do that also!
Rico Kaibin Lim
Zhi Zhan-->
yeah i read a little of the selfish gene... pardon me if i get tis interpretation wrong... up till now evolution only chooses the strongest genes to survive i think from gene wise we are already self centered

but on the other hand my lecturer told me of another book that discuss the likely hood of gene which holds the idea of Altruism in all living creatures.
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Example would be bees, each type of bee work for the colony and have no self interest

Lo Zhi Zhan
I wan go sleep alr. Tml we continue this. Interesting.

You bees story sorts of relates to karl marx's idea of communism. However, communism is an idea which is said to be way ahead of our time. =)

Rico Kaibin Lim
the idea of communism has no problem at all. I just that the being using it that has the problem.

Hahah kinda long ... but i think its a very intersting thing to chat about.... hahahahahaha as he said ... we shall continue be prepared for a part 2...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Meaning of Words & Words of Meaning...




Right above are 12 different languages of the same word according to babelfish. I you just see a string of "Влюбленность" Me not knowing russian would have just ignore this word ... but when u know the meaning of the word... u would visualize that word that meaning right ?

Like what the Indian guy in the train station said to NEO in The Matrix , Love is but a word its the meaning behind the word that makes it special.

But the question I asking myself today is that can words exist before the meaning of it?

I myself don't think it can....

I feel that words are just a tool for the visualization/communication of a feeling/meaning.

In this case I feel that words cannot exist be meaning. And Meaning is how all words exist, u might not understand Влюбленность means but you would understand the meaning if its shown to you. when you show a picture of a mother hugging her baby and smiling happily you might think of "LOVE" while Russians might think of "Влюбленность" but the Idea is the same both mean "LOVE" in different language... its the Idea/reason/logic that is universal.

Is it not ?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tactful or truthful

i ask u arh
do u think tactful more important or truthful more important ?

**[hui]+[ling]!! says:
the ideal situation is striking a balance between both
but if really want to weigh it, i think tactful more important. but it also depend on situation
and factors

[Rico™][凯缤] says:
but like tat wats the point in asking ppl for opinon ?
whens the answer is tactfully constructed
and not everyone can read between the lines

***but it also depend on situation
*and factors
it's not abt reading in between the lines

[Rico™][凯缤] says:
then tactful answer is rather hard to be truth ful right ?

**[hui]+[ling]!!> says:
being tactful is about bringing out ur point while putting it in a nice way
it doesn't mean that its not being truthful

but would it have a negetive effect on me ?
like u might have thought im not in tat deep shit...
but IM ?
then I might be affected to do other stuff ... so on

**[hui]+[ling]!!>> says:
if i think u are in deep shit, i will tell u, just in a different way

[Rico™][凯缤]The Perfect Words Nv Crossed My Mind Cos Theres Nothing In There But You says:
i mean
if u told me in a nicer way
i might not have seen it as im in deep shit.. but in lesser shit... which might complicate my choices more
at least tats wat i assume

**[hui]+[ling]!!>> says:
carefully explain it till the person see it
it's not abt telling the person tt he's in deep shit
but convincing him to believe that he is in deep shit
he will know it if he's convinced
then he can make his decision

[Rico™][凯缤] says:
tat wont be tactful its juz detailed right ?
i check dict see tactful

**[hui]+[ling]!!>>[(*)<<--charisma-->>(*)] --> Eyes that speak says:
i think it's tactful
tactful is abt being careful

[Rico™][凯缤] says:
wait ar checking

**[hui]+[ling]!!>> says:
and in this case being careful with words
it's not so abt being detailed

[Rico™][凯缤] says:
ok the dict is not helping
its complicating matters
Possessing or exhibiting tact; considerate and discreet: a tactful person; a tactful remark.

**[hui]+[ling]!!>>[(*)<<--charisma-->>(*)] --> Eyes that speak says:
considerate and discree

Tact"ful\, a. Full of tact; characterized by a discerning sense of what is right, proper, or judicious.
ok heres the problem
no 2 says show good sense of what is right proper
then if im straight to the face and give him wat i think is right and proper
tats not tactful
but here its trying to say considerate and discreet to whom ?
to the truth of to the person u telling
if ur discreet and considerate are u still discerning sense of what is right, proper, or judicious?