Hinder - Without You

Without you .. I live a little more everyday...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Pass it on, change the world.....

Right… okay….. got more than one people complain my blog nv update… hahah okok lets get down to business….

Okay … I watched Evan Almighty recently… then I read a review about it, the review said something about it being to unfunny and the worst thing about the show is when you actually find out about A.R.K meant Act of random kindness.

I personally find it quite funny overall maybe because I’m quite easily entertained maybe not, but I do feel that it really true what they said about changing the world.

For those of you that watched “Pay It Forward” you will find the storyline here a bit similar, for those of you who didn’t….

Pay It Forward is about a little boy’s “project” that he started, the idea of this project is to I do a good deed, in hope that the person that received it will do it to another. But sadly the little boy died before he could see the product of his project…

Evan Almighty Change the world?? = Acts of random kindness

Okay… it sounds cheesy and weird .. but have you ever thought of it… ??

I feel is quite true… how many times have someone you don’t know help you along the way.. brighten up your day.. then you feel more happy, and maybe who knows your happiness spreads to someone you know then they feel happy, humans though we keep a distance.. but we are all interlinked through a bond that we don’t see..

Nobody is asking you to save someone’s life by jumping into a river, although if you really see someone drowning try to help, without endangering your life ….

Start with the simplest of things, see your neighbor that you know, say hi, or good morning… give up a seat to in the mrt or bus to someone that needs it more, smile to the bus driver, when you board the bus,

All this seemingly small acts of kindness might light up someone’s day, then they might even pass it on, who knows how much people you would have influence by the end of the day.

We should set an good example for the children in our society, I seen kids without the basic courtesy to say thank you, as they say in an Chinese saying, “You feed but don’t teach, is the fault of the dad.” “You teach but, they don’t learn, is the teachers fault” some kids I seen can even cut bus queues in school uniform. Who’s fault is it ? lets reflect ourselves in hope we can find the answer… But I have seen some kids that are very courteous and polite the mum that brought them out also show the same attributes… so be careful what you do around kids cos you never know how you would influence them.


Unknown said...

I think you are right about changing the world with small acts of kindness. I think most people don't consider the effect of doing these small actions and just do them out of the goodness of their hearts. Your post also reminded me of wishood.com-its this on-line community where we help each other by paying it forward.. :)

Kaibin aka Rico said...

thanx keren... hmm do i know you ?